
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:56:18



  • 1、You can find more information about the wrappedarray style in the article "array Gotcha—Nullarray vs. Emptyarray".(您在《arrayGotcha—Nullarrayvs.Emptyarray》這篇文章中可以找到更多關(guān)于包裝排列風(fēng)格的信息。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 2、I was constantly ill, with a bafflingarray of symptoms.(我不斷地生病,還伴有一大堆莫名其妙的癥狀。)
  • 3、Throughout the cultures of the world, East and West, a virtually limitlessarray of sounds has been employed in the service of musical expression.(在世界各地的文化中,無論東方還是西方,幾乎有無限的聲音被用來服務(wù)于音樂表達(dá)。)
  • 4、A glance along his bookshelves reveals a bewilderingarray of interests.(掃一眼他的書架就可以看出他雜七雜八的興趣愛好。)
  • 5、Today, a visit to a lighting store reveals a stunningarray of choices.(今天,對(duì)一家燈具專賣店的探訪揭露了一系列令人震驚的選擇。)
  • 6、You will see a green cylinder with a clock next to it while you create thisarray.(在創(chuàng)建此陣列時(shí),您會(huì)看到一個(gè)綠色的圓筒,旁邊還有一個(gè)時(shí)鐘。)
  • 7、The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose from anarray of private plans and possibly a public option.(參眾兩院的議案將創(chuàng)建醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn)交易所,讓小企業(yè)和個(gè)人可以從一系列私人計(jì)劃和可能的公共計(jì)劃中進(jìn)行選擇。)
  • 8、As the deadline approached she experienced a bewilderingarray of emotions.(隨著最后期限的臨近,她心緒變得紛繁復(fù)雜起來。)
  • 9、The diving spots afforded such a widearray of fish and sea creatures that Larry saw more than thirty varieties of creatures.(潛水點(diǎn)養(yǎng)著種類繁多的魚類和海洋生物,拉里看到了三十多種不同的生物。)
  • 10、The consequences of interacting with thearray of sharp spines on a sea urchin or porcupine are pretty obvious to any creature passing by.(與海膽或豪豬身上的尖刺相互作用的結(jié)果對(duì)任何經(jīng)過的生物來說都是相當(dāng)明顯的。)
  • 11、They say that if Monsanto wins, the impact will extend far beyond agriculture—locking up property rights in anarray of important areas.(他們說,如果孟山都公司獲勝,其影響將遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超出農(nóng)業(yè)領(lǐng)域——在一系列重要領(lǐng)域鎖定產(chǎn)權(quán)。)
  • 12、Visitors can view a rich and colourfularray of aquatic plants and animals.(參觀者可以觀賞到一系列各種各樣、色彩斑斕的水生動(dòng)植物。)
  • 13、Let's see if 1 million or 10 million is in thearray.(讓我們看看100萬或者1000萬是不是在數(shù)組里。)
  • 14、These two academics use anarray of behavioral research to show that the most rewarding ways to spend money can be counterintuitive.(這兩位學(xué)者用一系列的行為研究表明,最能獲得回報(bào)的花錢方式可能是違反直覺的。)
  • 15、Anyone who has reached a certain age—in some cases as low as 55—is automatically entitled to a dazzlingarray of price reductions at nearly every level of commercial life.(任何達(dá)到一定年齡的人(在某些情況下低至55歲)幾乎在商業(yè)生活的各個(gè)層面都自動(dòng)享有一系列令人眼花繚亂的降價(jià)優(yōu)惠。)
  • 16、As a result, many terminals are now much more than just shopping malls and offer anarray of entertainment, leisure, and beauty and wellness facilities.(因此,許多航站樓現(xiàn)在不僅僅是購物中心,還提供一系列的娛樂、休閑、美容和保健設(shè)施。)
  • 17、We have a dizzyarray of choices that are available to us.(我們的選擇范圍很廣,讓人眼花繚亂。)
  • 18、When asked how they had cracked the code ahead of anarray of highly accomplished rival investigators, he said something that stunned me.(當(dāng)被問及他們是如何趕在一群頗有造詣的同行研究人員前面破解密碼的時(shí)候,他說了一些令我震驚的話。)
  • 19、Illustrated with an entertainingarray of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that Mr. McWhorter documents is unmistakable.(麥克沃特先生列舉了一系列關(guān)于高雅文化和通俗文化的有趣例子,證明了他所記錄的這一趨勢(shì)是正確無誤的。)
  • 20、After you capture the results in anarray, you can do something with each line.(在捕捉數(shù)組中的結(jié)果之后,您可以對(duì)每行進(jìn)行一些處理。)
  • 21、Called by some the "island that time forgot", Madagascar is home to a vastarray of unique, exotic creatures.(馬達(dá)加斯加被一些人稱為“被時(shí)間遺忘的島嶼”,是眾多獨(dú)特外來生物的家園。)
  • 22、There's a glitteringarray of glass to choose from at markets.(市場上有大量光彩奪目的玻璃制品可供選擇。)
  • 23、An independent question is a general inquiry into your opinion on anarray of various issues.(自主質(zhì)疑是對(duì)于你在一系列不同問題上的觀點(diǎn)所做的一般性調(diào)查。)
  • 24、I was confronted with anarray of knobs, levers, and switches.(我面對(duì)著一排旋鈕、控制桿和開關(guān)。)
  • 25、This interpersonal coordination underlies a widearray of human activities, ranging from more complicated ones like ballroom dancing to simply walking or talking with friends.(這種人際協(xié)調(diào)構(gòu)成了一系列廣泛的人類活動(dòng)的基礎(chǔ),包括交際舞等復(fù)雜的活動(dòng),以及簡單的步行或與朋友交談等。)
  • 26、It is about devising retail models that work for people who are making increasing use of a growingarray of internet-connected tools to change how they search, shop, and buy.(它是關(guān)于設(shè)計(jì)一種零售模式,為那些越來越多地使用各種網(wǎng)絡(luò)工具的人提供服務(wù),以改變他們的搜索、購物和購買方式。)
  • 27、Casselman wants to build anarray of solar magnifying mirrors at one end of the line to collect and focus heat onto water filled tubes.(卡斯?fàn)柭M诠艿赖囊欢私ㄔ煲唤M太陽放大鏡,將熱量收集到充滿水的管道上。)
  • 28、Consumers have a widearray of choices and price competition is fierce.(消費(fèi)者的選擇面很廣,價(jià)格競爭也很激烈。)



英 [??re?] 美 [?'re?] 
過去式: arrayed 過去分詞: arrayed 現(xiàn)在分詞: arraying 第三人稱單數(shù): arrays


