2、The study says there must be a completeoverhaul of air traffic control systems.(研究稱必須對航空交通管理系統(tǒng)進行徹底的改革。)
3、A radicaloverhaul of the tax system is necessary.(有必要徹底改革稅制。)
4、Don't expect tooverhaul your diet, exercise or thinking patterns in a day.(不要妄想在一天內(nèi)改善你的飲食習(xí)慣、鍛煉方式或者思考模式。)
5、Such changes call for anoverhaul of the way Britain runs air travel.(這些改變呼喚英國去審視其民航運營方式。)
6、Last month, PepsiCo introduced a majoroverhaul of the Tropicana packaging.(上個月,百事公司決定對純果樂的包裝進行一次徹底的改變。)
7、I'm going through an SEOoverhaul of our company's website.(我要對我們公司的網(wǎng)站進行全面地搜索引擎優(yōu)化。)
8、As part of its storeoverhaul, it had removed thousands of products from its shelves.(作為全面革新的一部分,它從貨架上撤掉了數(shù)千種商品。)
9、It did need tooverhaul techniques.(那的確需要革新技術(shù)。)
10、In his speech Cameron reiterated plans to scrap quangos andoverhaul school structures.(卡梅隆在他的演講中重申了廢棄半官方機構(gòu)并且徹底改變學(xué)校結(jié)構(gòu)的計劃。)
11、Microsoft's main aim is to get close to or evenoverhaul Sony.(微軟的主要目標(biāo)是趕超索尼。)
12、"It was built in Victorian times and needed a thoroughoverhaul anyway," says Wood, "so we decided to make aesthetic improvements at the same time, to try to draw people back to it."(“它建于維多利亞時代,無論如何都需要徹底翻修,”伍德說,“所以我們決定同時改善美學(xué),試圖吸引人們回到這里?!?
13、And even a modestoverhaul will be superseded by changes within finance itself.(即使一次適度的修整也將被金融體系自身的改變而取代。) 【hao86.com好工具】
14、Don't expect tooverhaul everything in one day and have a simple life.(不要期望在一天內(nèi)能夠分解所有的事,從而有一個簡單的生活。)
15、Despite its fancy new BlackBerrys, RIM needs tooverhaul the way it handles apps.(盡管新款黑莓很精美,但RIM需要改變一下應(yīng)用程序的管理方式。)
16、Japan should kick-start growth andoverhaul the tax code.(日本應(yīng)馬上開始經(jīng)濟增長并徹底整頓免稅代碼。)
17、Where would we find the vast amounts of money needed tooverhaul existing energy systems?(我們從哪兒才能找到大量的資金檢修現(xiàn)存的能源系統(tǒng)?)
18、Surely this old computer needs anoverhaul.(這臺老電腦需要一次大修。)
19、Even with anoverhaul, 14 of them will be over capacity.(即使進行了改造,仍將有14個機場不堪重負(fù)。)
20、When it's off target or needs tweaking or even anoverhaul?(當(dāng)目標(biāo)已經(jīng)偏離或需要小改,甚至大修?)
21、The average budget for a "major" kitchenoverhaul in 2006, calculates Remodeling magazine, was a staggering $54,000; even a "minor" improvement cost on average $18,000.(根據(jù)《重塑》雜志的計算,2006年廚房“大修”的平均預(yù)算是54000美元;即使是“小”的改進,平均花費也要18000美元。)
22、The country is planning a majoroverhaul of its highways.(該國正計劃對全國公路進行大規(guī)模的檢修。)
23、He managed tooverhaul the leader on the final lap.(他在最后一圈努力超過了領(lǐng)先的人。)