


更新時間:2024-08-27 11:41:29



  • 1、Just then, adesperate cry was heard.(就在這時,傳來了一聲絕望的喊叫。)
  • 2、Somewhere out there was adesperate man, cold, hungry, hunted.(那外面有個男人又冷又餓,還有人抓他,走投無路了。)
  • 3、He intercuts scenes of Rex getting more and moredesperate with scenes of the abductor with his family.(他將雷克斯變得愈加絕望的場景和誘騙者與他家人在一起的場景相交切。)
  • 4、By 1613 even moredesperate measures were in contemplation.(到1613年,甚至考慮要采取更為孤注一擲的措施。) Hao86.com
  • 5、She found herself indesperate financial straits.(她發(fā)覺自己經濟狀況極為窘迫。)
  • 6、Troops are needed to help get food into Kosovo where people are indesperate need.(需要軍隊協(xié)助將食物運進科索沃,那里的人們迫切需要食物。)
  • 7、I'mdesperate for a cigarette.(我很想抽支煙。)
  • 8、They aredesperate to erase the memory of that last defeat.(他們急于抹去上次失敗的記憶。)
  • 9、The children are indesperate need of love and attention.(這些孩子非常需要愛心和關懷。)
  • 10、Nothing can be more fascinating than a smile, which can produce hope in evendesperate situations.(沒有什么比微笑更能吸引人的了,微笑甚至能在絕望的情況下給人帶來希望。)
  • 11、If I was poor anddesperate, I might commit crimes to feed my family.(如果我又窮又絕望,我就可能會為了養(yǎng)家糊口而犯罪。)
  • 12、The official dismissed the speech as the ramblings of adesperate lunatic.(該官員將那個演說視為一個絕望的瘋子的胡言亂語而不予理會。)
  • 13、I was absolutelydesperate to see her.(我極想見到她。)
  • 14、The house is indesperate need of redecoration.(該房子急需再次裝修。)
  • 15、I heard sounds of adesperate struggle in the next room.(我聽到隔壁房間里有拼命掙扎的聲音。)
  • 16、He was sodesperate for a job he would have done anything.(他當時太想找份工作了,什么事都愿意干。)
  • 17、Doctors were fighting adesperate battle to save the little girl's life.(醫(yī)生們不惜一切地奮力搶救小女孩的生命。)
  • 18、She clung to the edge in adesperate attempt to save herself.(為了活命,她拼命抓住邊緣。)
  • 19、Like any conflict, this one has itsdesperate refugees and its frustrated negotiators.(同任何斗爭一樣,這場斗爭中有絕望的逃亡者和沮喪的談判者。)
  • 20、The prisoners grew increasinglydesperate.(犯人因絕望而越來越膽大妄為。)
  • 21、She was unable to restrain herdesperate anger.(她無法抑制她那不顧一切的憤怒。)
  • 22、There are hundreds of peopledesperate to adopt a child.(有數(shù)以百計的人極其渴望收養(yǎng)小孩。)
  • 23、Stores are gettingdesperate after two years of poor sales.(兩年來銷路不暢,商店不惜冒起險來。)
  • 24、They face adesperate shortage of clean water.(他們面臨無污染水源的嚴重短缺。)
  • 25、He was gloomy anddesperate.(他憂郁而絕望。)
  • 26、India's United Nations ambassador said the situation isdesperate.(印度駐聯(lián)合國大使說局勢危急。)
  • 27、The African elephant is in adesperate plight.(非洲象正面臨絕境。)
  • 28、They admit they are nowdesperate for a lucky break.(他們承認現(xiàn)在非??释簧虾眠\。)
  • 29、Each day that passed he grew more and moredesperate.(他一天天變得越來越絕望。)



英 [?desp?r?t] 美 [?d?sp?r?t] 
副詞: desperately 名詞: desperateness
