更新時間:2025-03-02 12:07:42
at once造句
- 1、The receptionist recognized himat once.(那名接待員馬上認出了他。)
- 2、At six o'clock she cane home, let herself in andat once smelt cigarette smoke.(6點鐘她拐回家,進去后立刻聞到了煙味。)
- 3、She paid me in dribs and drabs, not allat once.(她一點一點地付給我錢,而不是一次付清。)
- 4、Tom turned upon the back trackat once, and hurried his steps.(湯姆立刻轉(zhuǎn)身原路返回,并且加快了腳步。)
- 5、You can't be doing two thingsat once.(你不能同時做兩件事。)
- 6、They pinched it on both sidesat once.(他們立刻把兩邊都捏住了。)
- 7、He startedat once to compose a reply to Anna.(他立刻開始給安娜寫回信。)
- 8、"Ay, ay," said Slightlyat once, and disappeared, scratching his head.(“好的,好的,”斯賴特力立刻說,撓著頭跑開了。)
- 9、She felt a sharp pang and grew disturbed and uneasyat once.(她感到極度悲傷,馬上變得不安和不舒服。)
- 10、When the bell rang I rushed to the dining hallat once.(當(dāng)鈴聲響起的時候,我立刻沖到食堂。)
- 11、To her surprise, and her vast delight, the King's face lightedat once!(國王的臉立刻容光煥發(fā),這使她大吃一驚,也使她大為高興!)
- 12、The Welshman's sons departedat once.(威爾斯曼的兒子們立刻出發(fā)了。)
- 13、"Tell her to go awayat once, Peter," the three cried simultaneously, but he refused.(“彼得,叫她馬上走開?!比齻€人同時叫道,但他拒絕了。)
- 14、"at once, d'ye hear," cried Peter, or I'll plunge my hook in you.(“馬上,聽見沒?!北说煤?,“不然我就揍你一頓?!?
- 15、Allat once, Mick's serious expression softened into a grin.(頃刻間,米克嚴(yán)肅的表情和藹起來,咧嘴笑了。)
- 16、"The ferocity of this spectacle," Machiavelli concludes, "left the peopleat once satisfied and stupefied."(馬奇亞維利總結(jié):“這種景象的殘暴,讓人們立刻感到滿足和震驚?!?
- 17、He thoughtat once, and signed to the boys not to burst into applause.(他立刻想了想,示意孩子們不要突然鼓掌。)
- 18、Peter, seeing this to be a good idea,at once pretended that it was his own.(彼得認為這是個好主意,就馬上假裝這是他自己的主意。)
- 19、He took offat once and headed back to the motel.(他出人意料地立刻就離開了,然后回到了那家汽車旅館。)
- 20、Some were obviously unsuitable and could be ruled outat once. Others were borderline cases.(一些顯然不合適,可以馬上被排除。另一些勉強合格。)
- 21、His pursuers were after himat once, like two dogs chasing a hare.(追趕的人立刻就追上了他,就像兩只狗追一只野兔一樣。) hAo86.com
- 22、If you have any doubts about your health, you'd better consult your doctorat once.(如果你對健康狀況有任何疑問,最好馬上去看醫(yī)生。)
- 23、Toad ceased his frivolous anticsat once.(托德立刻停止了他那輕浮的滑稽動作。)
- 24、at once, he reached his small hand and softly touched mine.(他立刻伸出他的小手,輕輕地碰了碰我的手。)
- 25、Please be so kind as to see to it that all the alterations are madeat once!(請注意所有變更必須馬上完成!)
- 26、We have several projects all on the boilat once.(我們熱火朝天地同時上馬了幾個項目。)
- 27、Whenever they get a call, they will goat once to fight fires and help people.(每當(dāng)他們接到電話,他們就會立刻去救火和幫助人們。)
- 28、The Toad sawat once how wrongly and foolishly he had acted.(托德立刻明白他的行為是多么錯誤和愚蠢。)
- 29、Umpteen of them all arrivedat once.(他們大伙都一塊兒來了。)
- 30、at once like an eel she slid between Starkey's legs into the water.(她像條鰻魚似的,立刻從斯塔奇兩腿之間滑入水中。)
at once
英 [?t w?ns] 美 [?t w?ns]
立刻; 馬上