
social concerns造句

social concerns造句

更新時間:2024-12-29 21:33:32


social concerns造句

  • 1、How does deep report concerns social justice?(深度報道是如何關注社會公正問題的?)
  • 2、Family violence, as a common social phenomenon, has caused the public concerns.(家庭暴力作為一種較普遍的社會現(xiàn)象已引起社會的廣泛關注。)
  • 3、Have you ever thought of laughing an AD campaign aboutsocial concerns?(你是否想過開展一項關于社會問題的運動?)
  • 4、Psychological problem of university students has become one of thesocial concerns.(大學生心理問題已成為社會普遍關注的問題之一。)
  • 5、These are the concerns, probably, that most shape their social identity.(可能這才是關注的焦點,這些問題才可能形成他們的社會身份關鍵。)
  • 6、City update its social, cultural, economic and other aspects of positions were all concerns.(城市更新因其在社會、文化、經(jīng)濟等方面的重要地位而受到各方面的關注。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 7、She concerns herself with social welfare.(她從事社會福利工作。)
  • 8、I am getting resistance and concerns from various groups about the adoption of social software.(我在采用社交軟件的過程中,遇到了來自各個團隊的阻力和擔憂。)

social concerns基本釋義
